Artwork Specifications
For Full-Color Film Transfers
1. File
- We recommend converting all files to PNGs for accuracy with sizing and fonts.
- High resolution images with at least 300PPI are needed.
- Do not reverse or mirror your image.
- Make sure artwork is uploaded without any unwanted objects and backgrounds.
2. Size and Layout
- Submit your artwork at the EXACT size you want it to print.
- Your artwork/gang sheet will print as it is submitted. We do not make any changes.
- We recommend at least 0.3” of space between each image to allow for cutting.
- Artwork must fit entirely within the artboard.
3. Colors
- Transfers are printed in CMYK. Your art will be printed with the colors you submit.
- The colors on your monitor may not match what will be printed.
- We offer a color chart to guide you in choosing the correct colors based on our printers. Click here for the online version.
4. Lines/Text/Effects
- Keep line width and negative space at a minimum of 1.25 pts. Artwork that does not meet this minimum may not apply properly.
- Expand all text, strokes and outlines to shapes or curves.
- A white backer is laid behind all art. We do not recommend using transparent effects like drop shadows, glow effects or fades with soft edges.
5. Artwork Fees
- Art fees start at $15 and any work is non-refundable even if the final design is not submitted for an order.
- Your artwork will not be reviewed by our art staff unless an art fee has been approved.
Thank you for choosing First Edition. Uploading your artwork shouldn’t be a hassle! Please reach out with any questions. We are always happy to help!
Please contact us with any issues!
Thank you for choosing First Edition.
Please reach out with any questions. We are always happy to help!